I support Oti Akenteng, Grant must not be sacked- Rev. Osie Kofi. 

Rev. Osie Kofi says he supports Coach Oti Akenteng’s claim that it will be unwise to sack the Black stars coach , Avram Grant.

Issues about Grant’s sack has been a major concern to many Ghanaians of which many wish he is shown the exit after the Stars poor shos against Uganda and Egypt in the Russia 2018 world cup qualifiers.

Rumors have been that Grant will not be in the dug out for Ghana during next month’s AFCON in Gabon of which Ibrahim Tanko, Maxwell Konadu and Otto Addo have been line to take up the job. 

Reacting to the rumors, Ghana’s technical director Coach Francis Oti Akenteng early this week said it will be unwise to sack Avram Grant looking at the period to the AFCON and compensation we will be required to pay to him.

Speaking on Asafo 99.1 FM  afternoon sports show today, Rev. Osie Kofi said he does not support the idea of sacking the coach.

” I think he should be allowed to continue his work. We are left with few days to AFCON and he has to prepare the team for the competition. When he came last year, the FA told him to go and do well which he did well and now they have asked him to qualify us to Russia and win the AFCON and he is on it so why do we have to sack him?” Beside, we need continuity just as C.K Gyamfi did from 1963 to 1972 so sacking him at this time will be a bad idea just as Oti Akenteng said.

He again used the opportunity to advice the youth to desist from violence as we go to the polls tomorrow.


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